Pennsylvania Commercial Real Estate Services, Inc. Services

Comprehensive Expertise in Industrial & Commercial Real Estate

While Pennsylvania Commercial Real Estate, Inc. can certainly deliver great value as a traditional buy/sell/lease commercial broker, our wide range of specific niche capabilities truly sets us apart as a single-source partner across the diverse and often complex industrial commercial real estate landscape.

No matter what your immediate, short- or long-term commercial real estate needs, the distinctive services and broad capabilities of Pennsylvania Commercial adds measurable value to your initiative at every step. Our time-tested, experienced personnel and extensive track record of success offer you a powerful ally in each specialty you see here.

Brokerage Services

Whether buying, selling or leasing industrial, office, or retail property, you need a partner that can meet your goals and exceed expectations.

With Pennsylvania Commercial as your representative, your property will receive individual and personal attention, and be exposed to other prominent brokers, targeted prospects, area development groups and government agencies.

What’s more, your property will be marketed using the strongest, most successful approaches to making your deal happen, including but not limited to direct mail, foot/telephone canvassing, print media and powerful, established real estate networks.

Industrial/Office Brokerage

When it comes to industrial or office brokerage, the name of the game is timing, expertise and access to critical information. Our objective is to sell or lease your property expeditiously, at the best price the market can sustain. When a property becomes available through us, we immediately begin working with all other commercial brokers who are active in that area and property type.

Retail Brokerage

Retail brokerage requires a different skill set than office or industrial brokerage. Assistance with financing, marketing, and access to demographics are all essential in assisting our retail clients that are seeking retail locations. We also represent a number of landlords that own strip centers and have been quite successful in filling vacancies that arise.

Business Advisory Services

Pennsylvania Commercial Real Estate, Inc. has experience in every phase of advising a business on real estate matters including planning, budgeting, lease negotiations, financing, government approvals, and project team contract negotiations. Our purpose is to assist the client in evaluating all alternatives available to them, and to act expediently once the best decision has been made.

We ask, and help you answer, all the right questions. For example, should we:

  • Negotiate lease before its expiration?

  • Consolidate locations to reduce company’s operating overhead?

  • Purchase, develop or lease a new facility?

  • Re-evaluate or sell income producing properties?

  • Re-evaluate rental costs?

  • Is the property fairly assessed?

Oftentimes it’s not as simple as just deciding to procure or build a new facility. These decisions are made in concert with our clients, technical expertise, and years in the industry.


If you are looking to build, then Pennsylvania Commercial can guide you from site selection and ground-breaking to construction of the completed facility and on-going property management. And we can help you manage and control the process at every step.

We develop customized office and industrial facilities designed to meet specific criteria for function, location, and cost efficiency. And to the company considering relocation, our experience with combining public and private funding for many of the largest corporate relocations in Western Pennsylvania has proven to be invaluable.

The process of advising a business on Build-to-Suit opportunities includes the assembly of a team of professionals appropriate to the development of a building that fits your exacting needs. Contracts need to be negotiated and executed with architectural firms, contractors, environmental service firms, law firms, land planners, and more.

We develop economic proformas used by public and private lenders to underwrite real estate projects—helping to secure your investment.

Partnerships & Joint Ventures

We have been involved in many partnerships and joint venture real estate ownership with companies who may not have the experience to invest on their own or may want to be a building owner participating as a partial occupant/investor.

Spend some time reviewing our services, and it soon becomes easy to see why, when it comes to investing in commercial real estate, there’s no better partner than Pennsylvania Commercial Real Estate, Inc. Our experience runs the gamut of commercial real estate ventures, and our commitment to our client’s success is readily evident.

Pennsylvania Commercial has worked with many real estate investors, providing the foresight and commitment that has become a standard of service for our company.

We have been, and will continue to be, involved in some of the most complex investment transactions in Western Pennsylvania. Pennsylvania Commercial’s experienced professionals can help you determine what investments make sense for your organization.

Tenant & Buyer Representation

As a Tenant/Buyer representative, Pennsylvania Commercial Real Estate, Inc. is committed to establishing and maintaining a professional approach to industrial, office, and retail leasing and/or purchasing—an approach that is keenly focused on the client’s best interests.

Tenant Representation

The successful representation of tenants requires a great deal more than simply knowing the real estate market. At Pennsylvania Commercial, we make every effort to thoroughly understand our client’s requirements and their objectives – before real estate negotiations begin, not while they are in progress. Only then can we consider all of the alternatives available and offer the most meaningful service.

Upon achieving a thorough understanding of a client’s requirement, our Tenant Representation services establish a blueprint of the requirement through the architectural programming process. Specific needs and requirements of the client are reduced to a Request For Proposal (“RFP”). Responses to the RFP are analyzed based on the client’s specific criteria. After proposals are received and analyzed through financial modeling, negotiations commence leading toward the execution of a lease and occupancy of the preferred location.

Buyer Representation

The Buyer Representation process involves a comprehensive site search and evaluation of all alternative sites or buildings meeting the client’s criteria. A thorough analysis, negotiation, and selection process provides our clients with total market knowledge so an informed decision can be made.

Let’s work together.

If you have any questions or comments, please don’t hesitate to reach out using the contact form. You can also reach us by email or phone!

